Newport Pet Photography
"My dog will never sit still for a photograph"
This is something I hear a lot, you would love to book a photography session with me and achieve beautiful images of your gorgeous pet.... but you are sure that your dog will show you up, refusing to obey any orders and cause absolute chaos...
Well, as much as I would like to reassure you this won't happen - most dogs do exactly that! It is this chaos which can lead to some of the most amazing and natural photos. I love to take photos of dogs doing what they do best, enjoying life.
Contact me to discuss booking your session today

Newport Family Photography
Family portraits are a wonderful opportunity to preserve memories of loved ones, ensuring that in the future we have something to look back on reminding us of that specific moment in time. Be it an amazing four generations in one photo or your child before their 'big teeth' came through and they had the beautiful gappy smile you only get for that fleeting time in childhood. Either way these are memories that will be treasured forever.